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9 Tips to Help You Save Money on Pool Maintenance

9 Tips to Help You Save Money on Pool Maintenance

There is no such thing has having too much money. This is why a lot of people are always looking out for ways to earn extra income, or to save a little more money by having their expenses reduced. Taking care of your pool through pool renovation in Orl...

Top 5 Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Pool Renovation Contractor in Orlando

Top 5 Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Pool Renovation Contractor in Orlando

Swimming pools need constant maintenance and upgrades during their lifespan. Although pools are not generally troubling home accessories that call for drastic or scheduled renovations on periodic basis, there’s some level of touch-up expected for...

Top Pool Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Pool Clean

Top Pool Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Pool Clean

Having a swimming pool is a lot of work and it should look clean and ready for you every day. This is only possible if you are maintaining your swimming pool every day. Regular pool maintenance is important to save you from having issues with your pool...

Pool Renovation: All you need to know

Pool Renovation: All you need to know

There is nothing sadder than an old abandoned pool in the garden of a family home. If you do not maintain a pool properly, it slowly begins to fall apart and soon becomes unusable. A renovation is a necessary and essential step in the life of a swimmin...

Common Pool Renovation Ideas in Orlando

Common Pool Renovation Ideas in Orlando

A pool just like a building suffers the damage of time. After a few years, you may have to deal with sealing problems or malfunctioning of the filtration system. If this is the case, a renovation is overdue. Most common pool renovati...

Top Cheap Pool Renovation Ideas To Consider

Top Cheap Pool Renovation Ideas To Consider

Because of the high temperatures in Orlando, most homes have a swimming pool. It is important to ensure that your swimming pool is always in optimal condition and often there is always the need to carry out repairs. Pool renovation in Orlando is someth...

Things To Consider Before Pool Remodeling Project

Things To Consider Before Pool Remodeling Project

Pool Remodeling is needed at least every ten years after the last remodeling. While you have to remodel your pool after a while to keep it in good shape and working order, there are some other reasons to carry out remodeling. You may want to ...



This is the time of year that it becomes hectic, not only for the holidays but for pool renovation and remodeling. No better time to get some work on your pool, spa, deck and equipment when they are not in use as much. If you are looking to have some w...

When is it time to resurface, repaint, or refinish a pool interior?

When is it time to resurface, repaint, or refinish a pool interior?

There are a the tell-tale signs...A noticeable deterioration of the surface- spots of material missing, pitting and staining beyond chemical cleaning, and surface cracks start appearing. How often the pool needs to be resurface depends on the...

Pool Heaters- Gas, Solar or Electric?

Pool Heaters- Gas, Solar or Electric?

Choosing a heater for your pool and/or spa can raise a few questions. What is the most efficient? What offers the best options for my family? What size heater is best for pool and/or spa? When looking into putting in a heater or replacing one...

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