Essential Ways to Upgrade Your Pool

Essential Ways to Upgrade Your Pool

Essential Ways to Upgrade Your Pool


In the heart of New Smyrna Beach, FL, where the sun graces us with its presence nearly year-round, a swimming pool isn't just a luxury—it's a part of our daily lives. But over time, even the most well-loved pools can show signs of wear and tear or simply fall out of sync with contemporary styles and innovations. Whether you're looking to sell your home soon or just wish to enhance your backyard oasis, upgrading your pool can significantly increase your property value and enjoyment level.

Here are seven essential upgrades to consider that will transform your pool area from simply functional to utterly sensational.


1. Resurfacing and Retiling

One of the most impactful renovations for any pool is resurfacing and retiling. Over time, pool surfaces can become stained, rough, and even cracked. A fresh surface can breathe new life into your pool, making it look brand new. When it comes to retiling, the options are virtually endless, ranging from classic designs to modern, glass tiles that shimmer in the sun. Keep in mind, quality matters, especially in a salt-air environment like New Smyrna Beach, so choosing durable, high-quality materials is key.

2. Add a Saltwater System

Transitioning from a traditional chlorine pool to a saltwater system can be a game-changer for your swimming experience. Saltwater systems are gentler on the eyes and skin, and they produce chlorine at a consistent rate, reducing maintenance hassles and costs. Plus, they're more environmentally friendly—a win-win for you and the beautiful New Smyrna Beach ecosystem.

3. Install Energy-Efficient Equipment

Upgrading to energy-efficient pool equipment, such as pumps, heaters, and LED lighting, not only reduces your carbon footprint but also lowers your utility bills. LED lights, for example, consume a fraction of the energy of traditional pool lights and can introduce a whole new ambience to your nighttime swims with customizable colors and patterns.

4. Incorporate an Automation System

Imagine being able to control your pool’s temperature, lighting, and even water features with the touch of a button. Modern pool automation systems offer this convenience, allowing you to manage all aspects of your pool remotely. Whether you’re coming home from a long day wanting to relax in a heated spa or you're on vacation checking to ensure the pool stays clean, automation systems provide unparalleled control and efficiency.

5. Enhance Safety Features

Safety should always be a priority, and fortunately, today’s pool safety features can be seamlessly integrated without sacrificing aesthetics. Upgrades like pool covers, alarms, and fencing are crucial, especially for families with young children or pets. Modern pool covers not only provide safety but also retain heat and reduce evaporation, making your pool more sustainable.

6. Build a Sun Shelf or Baja Ledge

Sun shelves, also known as Baja ledges, are shallow, flat areas in the pool that allow you to lounge in the water without fully submerging. Perfect for sunbathing or providing young children with a safe place to play, these additions bring a resort-like feel to your backyard and increase the functionality of your pool.

7. Integrate Natural Elements

Finally, integrating natural elements such as rock waterfalls, plants, and even a small beach entry can transform your pool area into a tropical getaway. These features not only enhance the beauty of your pool but also promote a sense of tranquility and connection with nature.



Upgrading your pool can be a rewarding project that enhances your quality of life and increases the value of your home. From aesthetic improvements like resurfacing and retiling, to functional enhancements such as installing energy-efficient equipment and safety features, there are numerous ways to take your pool to the next level.

If you're considering pool renovation in New Smyrna Beach, FL, contact All Phase Pool Remodeling today. We specialize in transforming pool spaces into luxurious, personalized retreats. Our team is ready to help you design and execute the perfect upgrades for your backyard oasis, ensuring every swim is a delightful experience. Request your free estimate and start planning the pool of your dreams today.