Five Simple Ways to Save Energy with Your Pool Renovation

Five Simple Ways to Save Energy with Your Pool Renovation

Five Simple Ways to Save Energy with Your Pool Renovation

Have you been considering renovating your swimming pool to decrease the costs it requires to keep up and running?  Whether you are looking for a large renovation or small updates, you will want to consider how to save energy and money on your pool costs.  As a company that specializes in pool renovation in Orlando, we provide our clients with many solutions that will make their pool more efficient and practical.  When you implement these changes, you will quickly realize that your bills will decrease, which can save you hundreds of dollars over time.  There are a few simple ways to save energy with these pool updates.

Use a Pool Cover

Whenever you heat your swimming pool, you'll want to be sure to keep the heat trapped inside the water.  To do this, you should invest in a good pool cover that will work to trap heat.   A cover will provide a barrier that prevents evaporation of water as well, which will keep your pool in optimal shape for swimming.  

Use an Automatic Temperature Controller

Another way to help your pool become more energy efficient is to use an automatic temperature controller.  This way, you will be able to easily adjust the temperature depending upon the weather outside.  At night, the controller will regulate the water so that it decreases the evaporation and heat loss.  This keeps your pool water regulated, which will help decrease the amount of money it costs to keep your water warm.  

Use Outdoor LED Lighting

If you have enhanced your outdoor space with lighting around your pool, you should install LED lightbulbs.  LED lightbulbs are much more energy efficient than fluorescent lightbulbs, which will make them last much longer and cost less to run.  

Replace Your Old Heater

If you have an old and outdated pool heater, it can be costing you a lot of money to run.  The efficiency of modern gas and propane heaters is much higher than that of those that were previously made.  Not only are they much more energy efficient, but they are also much more reliable.  Investing in a new pool heater can not only save you from expensive pool heating bills, but it can also save you from frequent and expensive repairs.

Update Your Filter

Similar to your heater, your old filter should be replaced when it starts to show signs of disrepair and malfunction.  Newer filters require less backwashing, which means that it won't have to run nearly as long.  This will save you money on energy bills related to keeping your pool up and running.  It will also extend the life of your filter, which can be a costly investment.

By making these small updates during your pool renovation in Orlando, you can increase the energy efficiency of your swimming pool.  These changes will reflect in your energy bills, and you will save money in the long run.  Contact us if you are looking to make changes to your Florida swimming pool today.