Exercises You Can Do In Your Swimming Pool

Exercises You Can Do In Your Swimming Pool

Exercises You Can Do In Your Swimming Pool

A swimming pool is a great place to get in a workout.  Actually, it's one of the best places to exercise your body, as it doesn't put any pressure on your joints when you work on in water.  After you get your pool renovation in Orlando, you'll be eager to use your pool to help you get fit.  Implement these swimming pool friendly exercises into your fitness routine and you'll be able to enjoy a workout in your bathing suit.

Swim Laps

This is by far the most commonly known and practiced exercise done in swimming pools.  Get your heart rate up by swimming laps back and forth in your backyard.  Rectangular pools work great for this, as you won't get dizzy and you'll be able to count your labs.  However, any type of pool could work.  Swimming laps is a great cardio workout that will strengthen your entire body.

Wave Maker

This exercise move is similar to a child making waves in the pool.  You'll want to rest your forearms on the edge of the pool, and kick your legs horizontally under the water for two minutes.  Repeat this in four sets.  This will help to increase your core strength and stamina.  Also, it will target your legs and glutes.

Suspended Jumping Jack

This move requires you to stand in waist-deep water, so you'll want to use the shallow end of your swimming pool.  If the water goes a little higher than that, it's okay.  It'll still work.  While standing in the shallow, perform traditional jumping jacks by jumping your feet apart and lifting your arms above your head.  The water will provide resistance that will provide you with a great workout.

Floating Kick

Do you have a pool noodle or small inflatable nearby?  Grab this pool toy for this workout move.  While resting on the noodle, kick your feet to propel yourself from one side of the pool to the other.  Once you get to the other side, put the noodle on your feet and use only your arms to return.  Repeat this move for a few laps.  This will improve your core strength and provide a good workout for your arm and leg muscles.

These are just a few of the many exercises you can perform while hanging out in your swimming pool.  If you are interested in using your pool for your fitness routine but it is not yet in the best shape, you'll want to get a pool renovation in Orlando.  Trust the experts at All Phase Pool Remodeling to perform the design and renovation services you need to have your pool work out ready in no time.  Contact us today to set up an appointment with our pool design team.